Thursday, August 5, 2010

ADO programming in the definition of the problem encountered by ATL

When the desire to define the interface as follows:

[Id (1), helpstring ("method SearchCust")] HRESULT SearchCust ([in] BSTR bstrcustid, [out, retval] _Recordset ** ptr);

As used _Recordset type, it is necessary

importlib ("C: Program FilesCommon FilesSystemADOMSADO15.DLL");

So the idl file should be rewritten as follows:

/ / FindCust.idl: IDL source for FindCust.dll

/ /

/ / This file will be processed by the MIDL tool to

/ / Produce the type library (FindCust.tlb) and marshalling code.

import "oaidl.idl";

import "ocidl.idl";


uuid (B32A7D72-12D4-11D5-AC09-00A0247A8577),

version (1.0),

helpstring ("FindCust 1.0 Type Library")


library FINDCUSTLib / / Library to manually advance the


importlib ("stdole32.tlb");

importlib ("stdole2.tlb");


importlib ("C: Program FilesCommon FilesSystemADOMSADO15.DLL");



uuid (B32A7D7F-12D4-11D5-AC09-00A0247A8577),


helpstring ("ISearch Interface"),

pointer_default (unique)


interface ISearch: IDispatch


[Id (1), helpstring ("method SearchCust")] HRESULT SearchCust ([in] BSTR bstrcustid, [out, retval] _Recordset ** ptr);



uuid (B32A7D81-12D4-11D5-AC09-00A0247A8577),

helpstring ("_ISearchEvents Interface")


dispinterface _ISearchEvents






uuid (B32A7D80-12D4-11D5-AC09-00A0247A8577),

helpstring ("Search Class")


coclass Search


[Default] interface ISearch;

[Default, source] dispinterface _ISearchEvents;



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